A photo of Lizzie Quinlan in a crisp white dress shirt.




About Me

It's nine in the morning.

I've just booted up VSCode and am clicking back through my repo, glancing down at the wireframe I sketched onto copy paper on my clipboard last night. I open my index.html page with Live Server and watch it pop open on Chrome. Spotify plays and I'm feeling good. It's going to be another productive day.

I'm a front-end web developer and artist with a keen eye for detail, clear web layout, and appealing designs.

In college, I learned that coding was a highly coveted and versatile skill. But it wasn't until I graduated and had worked as an editor for a year that I decided I needed a life change.

Last October, I enrolled in a 16-week coding bootcamp and hopped my way through daily lessons about various programs and frameworks with labs that helped me apply my knowledge.

Projects that allow me to express myself excite me. My hands are never idle when there's something new I could be creating!


An icon of Vue2. A yellow icon of Javascript. An icon of Python. An icon of Djagno. An icon of HTML. An icon of CSS. An icon of Figma.

I'm Learning

An icon of React. An icon of Django REST Framework. An icon of Bootstrap.


An image of the writing app with a small calendar at the top showing circles of each date, from Tue 4 to Wed 29. The body of the text reads, This is a writing app I made for my final project at PDX Code Guild. It was pretty fun to work on and I learned a lot about making calls to my internal API. Although the models for this project are pretty simple, it covers the foundations of various relationships, including many to one between models. I want to work on making a better landing page for this site when users are logged out!

Titanium Typewriter

Django REST Framework




Story Nook

Responsive Design

Request Form

Plant Shop

Responsive Design

Landing Page



Blog Site

Responsive Design



Contact Me





